North carolina birds of prey list
North carolina birds of prey list

3) and all birders who want to find out specific information about a rare species, such as number of records or times and places when and where seen. The reference is intended mainly for several user groups: 1) out-of-state birders planning a trip to North Carolina, and wanting to know the best times, places, and chances to see target species 2) in-state birders who are looking for information on new species on their life list, year list, etc. However, this work is not intended to be a detailed annotated work, as names of observers are not to be included, nor are record earliest and latest dates for species to be included. The site will be updated regularly, especially in terms of updating new records for rare species, new records of less rare species but in regions of the state where few previous records exist, and perhaps record counts of a species in the state or region. Species not on the Definitive List or the Provisional List are not included thus, species considered of Unaccepted Origin (such as several waterfowl and parrot species) are not a part of this compendium. The site is partly an annotated bird checklist, giving specific locations and dates for the very rare species, and partly a "bird-finding guide", though arranged by species, instead of by sites/birding locales. "County Listing" allows the user to determine all of the species recorded in a chosen county, or shows a county occurrence map for a chosen species.

north carolina birds of prey list

Currently, the most useful one is probably the interactive Carolina Bird Club link for "Definitive/Provisional List", which lists all of the species on the current NC state list.

north carolina birds of prey list

There are several tabs on the left side of the homepage. Each account also has four interactive links, below the species name. Once you are at a species account, you can navigate to the previous species in the checklist sequence by clicking on the flying heron on the left, or to the next species in the checklist order by clicking on the flying heron on the right or, you can click on the dropdown arrow to the right of the species name. You may also find the species you want by clicking on the dropdown (blue arrow) under either of the two Family entries, then navigating to the species of interest and clicking "View". To see a species account, click on the first letter of the species' name, find the species in the resulting list, and then click "View" or enter the species name in the "Search Common or Scientific Name" search box. County maps of occurrence are provided for each species in addition, breeding season maps, showing abundance by county, for each nesting species are being developed, and wintering season maps will be developed later. This website aims to provide a compendium of all of the bird species recorded (i.e., accepted to either the Definitive List or the Provisional List) in North Carolina, with general information about their distribution in the state - by regions or provinces, their relative abundance in each region, their periods of occurrence in the state, and information about finding each species in the state. Welcome to the on-line "Birds of North Carolina" website!

North carolina birds of prey list